Other products


COSUCRA ANIMAL NUTRITION develops products composed of monopropylene glycol or glycerol on a vegetable carrier (dried and ground sugar beet pulp).

The liquid product (monopropylene glycol or glycerol) is reheated beforehand to facilitate incorporation in the dried and ground sugar beet pulp. The mixture is then slowly dried in a heated box before bagging.

The finished product fills the energy gap (negative energy balance) caused by the production of milk (ketogenic problems).

Examples of glycoproducts:


  • Glycopulp 45: monopropylene glycol on dried and ground sugar beet pulp.
  • Glycodry 40 or Glycodry 50: glycerol on dried and ground sugar beet pulp.


Our glycoproducts are dietetic complementary feed used in:


  • dairy cows;
  • dairy goats and ewes, given their ingestion limit;
  • sows, given the increasing number of piglets per litter (only Glycodry 40 or Glycodry 50).



  • Dairy cows (Holstein): ±500 g/day from the end of gestation and during the 1st 4 weeks of lactation.
  • Milking goats and ewes: 55g/day/animal.
  • Sows: ±150g/day just before giving birth and during the lactation period.


Glycopulp 45, Glycodry 50 or 40 are available in 25kg paper bags on a 975kg pallet (80x120cm).
