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NASTAR™ feed, native pea starch is extracted from yellow peas. It is obtained after separation of the fibres and decantation of the starch from the proteins.
Pea starch:
- is not soluble in water;
- contains ±20% starch resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis;
- resists heat and acidic conditions;
- has very high gelling properties compared to other starches.
Here are the main characteristics of our NASTAR™ pea starch for feed:
- Physical appearance: powder <300µm
- Colour: white
- Odour: neutral
- Taste: neutral

Pea starch is a raw material for animal feed used in:
- Piglets: the slower degradation of pea starch ensures better ingestion. The resistant starch stimulates intestinal flora;
- In coated feed: high gelling properties and little product swelling;
- Pet food: the glycemic value of NASTAR™ is weak (30) compared to 80 for maize and 70 for wheat. Pea starch shows good resistance to heat and acidic conditions.

NASTAR™ feed pea starch is used for:
- piglets: ±4% in order to give ±1% resistant starch stimulating the intestinal flora;
- pet food: ±25%.
NASTAR™ feed pea starch is available in:
- 25 kg net paper bags on 750 kg net pallet (120x80x140cm);
- 850kg big bag on 80x120cm pallet.